Managing Your Money | 5 EPIC Financial Mistakes You Must Avoid in Marriage

Ralph Ervin
4 min readNov 11, 2020

When it comes to your finances, you can make mistakes without realizing it. We’ve all done it!

Here are 5 critical financial mistakes you MUST avoid:

Ferrari Automobile Black and White Image

#5. Keeping up with The Joneses (or trying.)

The Joneses probably aren’t doing much better than you are, despite outward appearances. Unless you have a personal relationship with your conspicuously consuming role models, you’ll probably never know how they obtained their shiny objects so why bother chasing what is likely a mirage?

While they may have lived well below their means, set goals, delayed gratification and paid cash for what they have, they could be up to their eyeballs trying to look “the part.”

My first assumption is a much better approach; set goals, work hard, pay cash, and be proud of your achievement. Also, don’t be duped into believing you’re going to achieve some mythical social status because of the car you drive or neighborhood you live in. Nobody cares, and even if some people do, who wants to associate with people like that?

Focus on what matters to you instead of copying someone else and you’ll be much better off.



Ralph Ervin

I’m an online business coach and finance expert helping people fulfill their personal purpose through online entrepreneurship.